Technology Adoption

With rapid advancement of technology, it is important for organisations to scale & grow with the approach of innovation in a consistent & dynamic sense.
Recently we have been working with a respected aged care equipment supplier. Looking to improve their delivery experience, they turned to us to leverage zzoota’s innovative technology.

The Problem.
The growing number of deliveries was causing a strain on operations. Not knowing when items where delivered, lack of route planning, no customer authorisation at time of delivery, no visibility of the delivery vehicles, and the manual end of day sign-off for all paper based delivery dockets processed each day.

The Solution.
Focusing on system integration zzoota solution aimed to streamlining the company’s operations and create automation in their job management, route planning, and end of day signoff - now digitised. Data from the clients Oracle management software is pushed, via the API, into the tasking function on zzoota's Link. platform. Each task represents a delivery, linked to the specific vehicle making the trip. Using the zzoota IOS app, the end customer signs on glass (with their finger) that they have received their delivery and thus completing the delivery task. Confirmation data is pushed back into the clients management software closing the loop.

The Outcome.
Now every delivery is linked and GPS tracked via the vehicle and route with signed off delivery confirmation. Data flow between the systems is seamless and effective invoking a significant reduction in delivery times and errors.


Greener at zzoota


Conserving Battery Power