Greener at zzoota

Sustainability = fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations, while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being

At the zzoota’s Ai factory, we’re all about waste not want not. Doing business without causing harm to the general environment.

Whenever we receive a package, big or small, that box is stripped down, cleaned up, and stored ready for future re-use. We recycle 100% of the boxes we receive so as not to contribute to unnecessary waste.

You also won’t find a printer at zzoota. We are completely paperless here. Less paper waste and less energy consumption means a more sustainable business for everyone. Excluding the refrigerator, we set a strict 8am-5pm timer on all energy consuming office appliances to minimise our carbon footprint.


Supagas invests in zzoota Road Safety Tech


Technology Adoption