Supagas invests in zzoota Road Safety Tech

Supagas is excited to announce that zzoota has been selected as their national telematics supplier.

Supagas continues to improve its driver and vehicle safety, investing in zzoota’s telematics safety monitoring devices in all company and contractor vehicles.

Fitted into each vehicle across the Supagas company and contractor fleet, zzoota's Site7X smart tablet allows Supagas to improve compliance, communication, health and safety, and efficiency. Live tracking and custom reporting of assets has been key to Supagas selecting zzoota as their solution provider.

Integrating digital Pre-Start Checklists linked directly to the asset helps Supagas proactively improve maintenance scheduling.

Taking into consideration live traffic and weather data, vehicle attributes and payload, asset specific routing saves time and reduces risk, ultimately improving the customer experience using zzoota technology.

The CEO/Co-founder of zzoota Aaron Zamykal says, "we are thrilled to be an integral part of Supagas' safety and compliance strategy". Supagas’ investment into fleet technology via the zzoota solution will lead the market and ultimately deliver better customer outcomes.

Supagas Managing Director, Erol Arican says,” The zzoota package for Supagas was an enabler project. Many additional features are being developed to reduce the paperwork, make compliance simpler and effective. The options to integrate and automate processes are significant. These will drive efficiencies across the business. Without such a tool and the ability to integrate to the vehicle and driver these would not be possible.”


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